Stories: Cum on Watches

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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

Great to hear this from you that someone is making you crazy now.
From my point of view, normally once they started to wear Smart or Apple watch, they won't degrade, if this is happening means, she might have found your interest on watches.
Might be she is teasing, knowing your interests.
Always patience will pay off.
Legends know what to do.....
You might have handled many situations like this before.
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by Niks »

Well this is what happened...

I went earlier than normal today hoping I would see her with her Swatch again, picked my yoga matt and waited patiently for her to arrive. My strategy was to place myself next to her (on her leftside) where I could see her swatch more better. I saw her car pull up from the window and I started getting really excited, other members were also arriving too. She walks in through the door with her coat on, I was anxiously waiting for her to take it off so I could see the swatch worn pushed up to her hand like last time.

She took her coat off and WTF... its the bloody apple watch again!!! Nooooooooooooooooo!. This time it had a bright red strap on it.

Anyways, at the end of the class as usual everyone was chit chatting so this time I just approached her and complimented how well she was doing in class. Some of the poses were genuinely tough and awkward to hold, I was having a tough time with it so just casually asked her how did she find it and how did she cope. She was actually nice to talk to, she was friendly too. Then I just blurted it out that "oh are you one those fashion accessory freaks who changes the colour of her watch strap to match the outfit? wasnt it black last time?" (in a laughing way). She laughed at me and said this...

"oh no not all, far from it. the buckle pin on the black strap broke off so I couldnt strap it tight on my wrist anymore so I had to borrow my youngest sons watch for a few days. I bought this red strap from amazon straight after the other one broke, hopefully this one will last longer!"

Well... that was the end of it for me. I can't get off to that at all. I mean if it was her own swatch then Id still fantasise about her, but her sons swatch... nope, not happening.
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

What a beautiful and elaborated brief explanation?
Nice to read the narration.
Anticipation for the swatch, relevation in the climax, made me also to say the same....WT....

That was a nice move and brilliant question "fashion accessory freaks"
If possible, please share for how many day classes, came wearing swatch?

If things not going as planned, Remind yourself that you have done what you can.
There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life. That's why we are here (watchgirls).

But what expected didn't happened at present.
Let's see how it goes.
Let the red strap works longer, but not the Appl watch.
Let she permanently borrow from her youngest son or Let her youngest one give the same swatch as gift to his Mother.

Plan may get fail, what efforts you made will always have rewards.
Be positive
Plan the strategy once more, Be ready with the mat on the correct place, towards left........
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by Niks »

She had been wearing it for just over a week.

The first day she wore it I couldn't tell if it was a Swatch or not because she was wearing this long sleeve sweatshirt top. Occasionally it showed (the buckle) but I didn't get a good glimpse of it as we were right in the middle of doing yoga poses or looking the opposite way. By the time we finished, she had her sleeves all the way down. I knew it was different from the apple watch she wore before because the strap was slightly thinner and there was a round bulge from under her sleeve rather than a rectangle looking one.

It was the second day of her wearing it when I saw it was a swatch, that day was difficult trying to yoga whilst trying to hide my erection, and keeping my mind from running like a crazy monkey during meditation.

2014-2017 were the best years for seeing so many ladies wearing swatch everywhere. I'd come across them all the time and it drove me crazy.

2018 is when many women started adapting the whole fitbit movement to count steps. Rest is history.
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

On a week, 6 days she made you crazy,

It will always be nice to see the round bulge under the sleeve also,
we are always crazy about which makes expectation, than the exposed ones.

All good old times, Let it be the history, we are part of it.
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

I guess, From Day2, chitchat sessions, made you more happy.

How you continued the classes by hiding the erection?
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by Niks »

I hate rings with a passion, instant turn off for me. There is another lady who wears a lot of disgusting looking rings on her very skinny boney skeleton fingers, I just take one look at her hand and my big erection becomes the size of a tic tac. I have seen it before, she wears a mixture of silver, dirty gold (brass looking) and some copper rings. Those copper rings make her fingers go green when she sweats and it makes me feel sick looking at it. I just dont understand the mind of these type of females and what planet they are from.
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

Some are like that only, we can't able to find the reason, why they are like that? :shock:
but that instant turn off, helped, saved and escaped you from awkward look from Swatch girl student... :D
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Re: Stories: Cum on Watches

Post by watchfervor »

Any luck?

Got any glimpse of swatch girl..............
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