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Wearing multiple MK

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:53 pm
by ekorarre
As a big fan of Michael Kors watches, I have began to find that wearing an MK watch on each wrist is very appealing, aside from just 1 at all. I haven’t been able to decide which combination I like best from: same watch style and different colors, different watch styles and same colors, or both different styles and colors. Maybe I like all combinations. Any thoughts which may be best for wearing out?

Also, do you believe is it socially acceptable to wear more than 1 watch at a time at all? I do not find it odd because of my interest with watches, but have heard it is rare and may be seen as weird by other people. Which itself is odd, given that fashion in general can be so varied, different, and weird. Does it also make a difference in wearing watches only without any other jewerly vs watches with jewelry?

Re: Wearing multiple MK

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:20 am
by mainemike
If you wear 2 I would call it 'Dual Kores'. And if you wore 4 then maybe 'Quad' Kores.

All kidding aside I wear 6 EcoDrives - 3 on each wrist - most all the time now and LOVE the look and feel. Some people notice but others don't. But when I mention the idea I do find people are receptive and want to try wearing multiples. It takes about a week of doing it every day then you will likely never go back to just one ever again.

Try it and send pictures.